Apex Fun Run

Help fundraise for Bret Harte Elementary School while you shop with these 2 programs: 

AmazonSmile- Click Here: http://bit.ly/2PBrSve

Ralph's Rewards- Click Here: http://bit.ly/2nUvLAB

Your support means many more opportunities like art, technology, science and hands-on learning for our students.

Thank you! 

Apex Fun Run
Thank you to everyone for supporting our Apex Fun Run, the only fundraiser of the year to support the entire school! Students had two weeks of leadership lessons with the Apex Coaches at recess and lunch. They learned how to be Proactive, Optimistic, to Work It Out, put in their best Effort, and to do a Reality Check. Fun Run Day on Thursday was busy! The weather was cool and cloudy as students completed their laps listening to music and encouragement from parents and volunteers. The funds raised support music instruction, gardening classes, art and photography, and dance instruction in addition to staff and consultants who keep our campus safe and technology in tip top shape!
Apex Fun Run
Apex Fun Run
Thank you to everyone for supporting our Apex Fun Run, the only fundraiser of the year to support the entire school! Students had two weeks of leadership lessons with the Apex Coaches at recess and lunch. They learned how to be Proactive, Optimistic, to Work It Out, put in their best Effort, and to do a Reality Check. Fun Run Day on Thursday was busy! The weather was cool and cloudy as students completed their laps listening to music and encouragement from parents and volunteers. The funds raised support music instruction, gardening classes, art and photography, and dance instruction in addition to staff and consultants who keep our campus safe and technology in tip top shape!

Apex Fun Run Huge Success!

Thank you to our amazing parents and community!  You made our one fundraiser of the year successful beyond our dreams!

$69,193 was raised to support our STEM rotations and our school!  And, ten percent will go directly to teachers for classroom supplies of their choice!

Apex Fun Run Fundraiser

Thank you to everyone for supporting our Apex Fun Run, the only fundraiser of the year to support the entire school! Students had two weeks of leadership lessons with the Apex coaches, at recess and lunch. During the event, the students learned about P.O.W.E.R. 

Proactive. Optimistic. Work It Out.  Effort.  Reality Check.

Fun run day was busy!  The weather was cool and cloudy as students completed their laps listening to music while receiving encouraging  words from their parents and volunteers. The funds raised support for music instruction, gardening classes, dance, art and photography.